Due to the generous donation of aGLIFF Board Member, Lenore Shefman and Shefman Law, we have been able to set up the Queer Black Voices Fund. This fund will be used to ensure that queer Black filmmakers, directors, writers, and actors are represented as part of the aGLIFF programing every year. Films will apply for a grant from the fund and those awarded a grant will have all costs involved with submitting and showing their film as part of our annual festival and/or one of our special screenings. Additionally, when possible aGLIFF will cover the travel expenses for these individuals to attend the festival and/or screenings and participate in live forums, question and answers sessions or other special events.
Right now, if you make a donation to aGLIFF's Queer Black Voices Fund, it will be matched, up to $5,000, to help support queer Black filmmakers, directors, writers and actors who want to be represented as part of aGLIFF's annual festival and year round programming. We know what’s going on, and it serves us all to help each other share their stories.